Ashley Graham is a character in Resident Evil, a survival horror video game series created by the Japanese company Capcom. She was introduced in the 2005 video game Resident Evil 4, in which she is presented as the daughter of the sitting President of the United States. She is briefly held captive by the Spanish cult Los Iluminados as a means of gaining influence over the United States President before being rescued by the game's protagonist, Leon S. Kennedy.
Ashley was originally designed by game designer Yasuhisa Kawamura as an important player character in the original version of Resident Evil 4. Her role was changed into that of companion character who is defenseless following a major structural change in the development team which led to the cancellation of the original version of Resident Evil 4. Her characterization has received a largely negative reception from video game publications, with many questioning her relevance as a stereotypical damsel in distress or usefulness as a sidekick character. In the 2023 remake, she was greatly praised after being redesigned to have a more pleasant experience escorting her.
1. 2 head carvings with movable eyes (normal makeup and poisoned makeup)
2. Portable lamp: 1 piece
3. Mobile phone: 1 piece
4. Necklace: 1 piece
5. Bracelet: 1 piece
6. Barrel: 1 piece
7. Black tail pistol: 1 piece
8. Leg holster: 1 piece
9. Silk scarf: 1 piece
10. Casual suit: 1 piece
10. Turtleneck sweater: 1 piece
12. Skirt: 1 piece
13. Black stockings: 1 pair
14. Handmade leather boots: 1 pair
15. Sexy vest: 1 piece
16. Sexy skirt: 1 piece
17. High fork thong underwear: 1 piece
18. Hole stockings: 1 pair
19. Hand type: 1 set (5 pairs)
20. Plastic body: 1 piece